Friday, May 28, 2010

TATA Group Recruitment : Sales Trainee/Officer
TATA Group, anchored in India and committed to its traditional values of leadership with trust, the Tata group is spreading its footprint globally through excellence and innovation, is a multinational conglomerate with operations in Nigeria. They are recruiting for Sales Trainees / Officers

• Prospect, establish, and maintain new and old clients
• Achieve sales targets in designated territories
• Must be go-getter – able to open and close

General Requirements
• Young and energetic
• 5 years industry experience is required
• A good degree/diploma in Engineering or Social Sciences
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, confident, outgoing, sociable character
• Valid driving licence
• Fully conversant with Outlook, Word, Excel, and Power Point
• Flexible approach to working hours to meet deadlines
• Experience in sales of automobiles is compulsory

Competitive Salary, Pension, Healthcare, and excellent scope for career progression.
Method of Application:
Interested and qualified candidates should send by attachment, their application and curriculum vitae (in MS Word format) and brief profile (in Excel format – see sample below) stating the position they are applying for as the subject of the email to:
Deadline: 8th June, 2010
Click here to download Excel Format.         Search for high paid jobs here

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Globacom Limited Career Vacancy - Operations and Field Maintenance Engineers
Globacom Limited is Nigeria's Second National Operator in GSM, Fixed, Broadband Gateway with subsidiaries in Re jc of Benin and Ghana. It's subsidiary 'GLO 1 has launched 9,800 kilometers of Submarine cable from Bude In the U.K to Lagos, Nigeria with branches Into 14 West African Countries like Senegal.

Through gaining over 25 million subscribers since then, we soon realized the dream of being Nigeria's leading service provider. And through extending our coverage into other African countries like the Republic of Benin, Ghana and the Ivory Coast, we are well on track of achieving our goal of being the biggest and best telecommunications network in Africa.

Operations and Field Maintenance Engineers- Ref: OFME

• Minimum of Bachelor's degree in Engineering or other relevant discipline.
• 7 years experience in operations and maintenance in a data
• Telecommunication company.
• Preferably working experience with an international carrier.
• Responsible for complete operations and maintenance servic.e support.
• Close interaction and coordination with domestic and international segment providers (SPs). Monitor or trouble shoot end equipments and intermediary equipments involved in circuit build up. Provide periodic updates on network maintenance

Qualified candidates should e-mail their resume with a passport photograph if possible (quoting the relevant references for the vacancy) on/ before 8th June 2010 
Click here to Apply           Search for high paid jobs here

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hewlett-Packard (HP) Careers - Graduate Sales Positions. Nigeria-435549

 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
Hewlett-Packard (HP) is the largest technology solutions provider in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and worldwide. The company's offerings span from IT infrastructure, personal computing and access devices to global services, imaging and printing. Our customers are virtually everybody: consumers, small and medium sized companies, large corporations as well as Government institutions.

HP is a company fuelled by new thinking and unique ideas about creating more valuable experiences with technology. We make the impossible possible and are committed to challenging, stretching and never staying still. It is all to do with what sets us apart as a company.

At HP we work across borders, and without limits. Global virtual teams share resources and pool their brainpower to solve business issues and meet personal goals. Each individual is valued for the unique skills, experiences and perspective he/she brings. That's how ideas - and people - grow.
Now we are looking for the best talents to help us develop cutting edge technologies and grow in Middle East, Mediteranean & Africa. We'll invest in your intellectual ability, encourage early responsibility and support your ambition and progress. With our coaching, guidance and global reach, the future is yours to explore!
Are you ready for a challenge? Join HP Sales University!
One of the best opportunities to join Middle East, Mediteranean & Africa is participating in "HP Sales University", our 24 months program designed for young talented graduates who are pursuing a career in Sales.
Candidates who have passed the initial assessment phase will have the opportunity to participate in the "HP Summer University" a 4-5 weeks summer training program where students will receive best in class professional training on how the world's leading IT company operates, its products and services.  Part of this valuable experience, students will acquire soft skills, meet HP senior managers and network with HP professionals. In the final assessment phase students who have performed well during the HP Summer University will be offered to join HP for the Sales Graduate Program.

HP Sales University Job Description
Ø       Assisting sales teams in selling enterprise products, services and software to selected customers in a designated market area. Responsibilities may include inbound sales support, deal coordination, managing configurations/quotations/pricing and follow-up on the entire sales cycle, presales support etc..
Ø       Closing sales on assigned products and with assigned customers with supervision.
Ø       Learning complete HP portfolio of technologies and solutions and working in coorperation with internal teams to complete routine tasks
Ø       Applying standard policy on total customer experience for following up on customer questions and requests
Ø       Working collaboratively with management to drive promotion campaigns, marketing programs and sales initiatives.
Ø       Building customer confidence in HP's remote or direct sales capabilities.
Ø       Building and maintaining solid customer relations that protects or expands HP's Installed base.

What are we looking for?
We're looking for people who have graduated from top universities within the last 12 months or who will graduate within this academic year with degrees such as;  Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology, Business Administration, Marketing or any other technical  or business studies;
In addition to the above, we are looking for the following qualifications:
Ø       Language Skills: Advanced level of written and spoken English
Ø       Interpersonal skills: The ability to work well with people
Ø       Flexibility: Capabale of adjusting to rapid change
Ø       Team Player: Willing to be a colloborative and to be a reliable team member
Ø       Analytical Abilities: Possesing an eye for detail
Ø       Communication: Having the ability to communicate clearly and confidently in an international environment
Ø       Commitment: The dedication to achieve goals and being result-oriented
Ø       Personality: Possessing an attitude fueled with positive-thinking

Job - Sales
Primary Location - Nigeria
Job Type - Temporary Work
Shift - Day Job
NB: Register before you apply
Apply online here         Search for high paid jobs here

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Intraman Limited - Careers : Chemical Waste Foreman

The image
INTARMAN LIMITED , a wholly Nigerian owned company has been incorporated with the objective of promoting fully, indigenous entrepreneurship, enterprise and expertise.In achieving our business objectives, we aim to add value to our human capital development by focusing on the unfolding technological developments in all areas of operations/activities.

The successful candidate shall be employed by
Intarman Limited and seconded to our client as a Contract Staff.

This is a 3rd Party Contract Staff Position

The Job:
 The appointee will supervise the handling and storage of all chemicals in the chemical warehouses in a safe manner. He/She will supervise the day to day running of the Waste Management Yard
The duties will include, but not limited to the following:
• Label all chemicals with the name, required MESC and expiry dates. As well as plan and coordinate receipts, storage & preservation of chemicals.
• Monitor all chemical material storage and track expiry dates with a view to improving on preservation and disposal where necessary.
• Monitor all HSE aspects of the chemical warehouse operations and also Waste Management Yard.
• Supervise material handlers in binning and issuing out chemicals while liaising with the Waste management Contractors for the day to day running of Waste Management Yard.
• Liaise with the Logistics Officer to provide logistic support in movement of chemicals to the plant and out of the plant to approved disposal locations as advised by Environmental Section

The Person:
The right candidate should:
• Possess a B.Sc / B.Eng / HND in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering obtained at a minimum of Second Class Lower Division/Lower Credit.
• Membership of CIPSN is an added advantage
• Have a minimum of 5 years post graduation working experience of which 3 years should have been spent in a similar position
• Possess good working knowledge of Chemical handling and waste management
• Possess excellent communication and computing skills
• Not be more than 35 years old.
CLOSING Date: 9th June, 2010.

Please address application quoting Ref no CPM/INT011 at the back of the application envelope to:

Arise & Shine Bus Stop, Eleme – Akpajo Road


C/o Employee Services Section
NLNG Limited.
Plant Site, Bonny Island, Rivers State

Duplication of applications shall not be entertained.
Search for high paid jobs here

Total E & P Nigeria Limited 2010 Graduate Recruitment

The image
Total E & P Nigeria Limited (TEPNG) is a leading Oil and Gas exploration and production Company. The company is in a growth phase, and as part of its expansion activities, welcomes applications from suitably qualified Nigerians for various positions within a number of divisions within the company as detailed below in these categories:

1. Information Technology Engineers
2. External Affairs Officers
3. Health, Safety & Environment Professionals
4. Inspection Engineers
5. Mechanical I Maintenance Engineers
6. Instrumentation I Metering Engineer
7. Production Chemist
8. Accountants
9. Cost Controllers
10. Treasury Officer
11. Tax Officers
12. Production Engineer
13. Process Engineer
14. Lifting Engineer
15. Facilities Construction Engineer
16. Subsea Engineer
17. Supply Chain Professionals
18. Drilling Engineer
19. Well Engineer
20. Well Technician
21. Drilling Technician
22. Fluids Technician
23. Survey Engineer
24. Geosciences & Reservoir Professionals
25. Experienced Chief Production Operators
and More…

Interested applicants should visit for detailed information. All application forms must be completed online. No paper applications will be accepted.

Instructions/Tips for navigating the Total website:
1. If the page defaults in french, click on'English' at the top of the page to change the language.
2. Click on "Vacancies" to open the search page.
3. From the "Country" drop-down menu, select 'Nigeria', scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Search". This will display all the advertised vacancies in Elf Petroleum Nigeria Limited.
4. Click on the position you are interested in to view details of the job description. You can then complete an online application form by clicking on "Apply now" at the bottom ofthepage.
5. You will be requested to create an account if you do not have an existing one, this imandatory.
6. Please fill the form accordingly.
7. It is compulsory to cut and paste your CV in the space provided in the application form.

Your CV must include the following details in the order listed:
- Surname, First name, Other names (where-applicable)
- Date of Birth
- Contact Address stipulating road/street number( s) only
- Contact Telephone Number(s)
- Functional Email address as ALL communication will be by email ONLY
- State of Origin
- Local GovernmentArea
- Details of Tertiary Education: institution, degree obtained, class of degree, period
- Details of Secondary Education: fnstitution, certificate, period
- Details of Primary Education: institution, certificate, period
- Indicate your work / training experience, stating your employer, period, and specific duties/courses/certifications starting with your place of current employment.

The advert closes 3rd June 2010.
'We will enter into correspondence only with short listed applicants. Applicants are hereby advised not to apply for more than ONE position, as doing so may result in automatic disqualification of the application. Similarly, applicants who have applied for anyone of these positions in the past 12 months need not apply.
Please note that TEPNG will not take responsibility for any job vacancies placed outside the TOTAL careers website
Apply Online Here             Search for high paid jobs here

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc Jobs : Technicians
Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc (FMN) is one of the largest and most successful industrial conglomerates in Nigeria. The Company's activities span flour milling, pasta manufacturing, port operations, cement trade & manufacturing, fertilizer blending, bags & other packaging materials manufacturing and agricultural business.

How it Works
Welcome to the Flour Mills Plc Recruitment Campaign. The application process is as follows:
The application process requires you to register and obtain your login details (email address and password).
Please remember your login details, it will be required to apply for a particular vacancy.
If you forget your password, use the service provided to retrieve it. An email will be sent to your e mail address.
You must update the following parts of your CV before you apply for any of the jobs.
1. Personal details
2. Tertiary Education
3. Referee

How to Apply
To apply for any of the vacancies, follow the link provided. You will be prompted to input your email address and password to apply for your chosen vacancy.
Please note that you can apply for as many vacancies as you wish if the employer in concern allows you.
Application process also allows you to update and amend your CV information at any time.
To update and amend your CV, follow the link provided. You require your email address and password.
Interested candidates must:
Be highly focused and success driven.
Be strategic and analytical thinkers
Possess good leadership, interpersonal and people skills.
Be highly personable
Possess high level of integrity and self regulation
Possess excellent communication skills in oral and spoken word
Click here to apply        Search for high paid jobs here

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Zain Careers | Vacancy Details - Team Lead : Performance & Demand Management
Zain (formerly MTC) is the pioneer of mobile telecommunications in the Middle East and now a major player on the African continent. We began life in 1983 in Kuwait as the region's first mobile operator. Today, we are a leading mobile and data services operator with a commercial presence in 23 Middle Eastern and African countries.

Basic Purpose:
      Management of IT services    

      Business Unit:     Zain Nigeria     
      Division:     Information Technology
      Location:     Nigeria - Lagos     
      Closing Date:     23-May-2010

Main Duties & Responsibilities:
      -Assurance of functional quality of solutions in accordance to requirements and expectations
      -Overall reporting regarding service quality and performance improvement
      -Definition of IT services and service levels offered / provided to the organization
      -Management of the service catalogue
      -Monitoring and management of service levels with regard to capacity, quality, availability and resources
      -Customer Advocacy
      -Demand/Capacity Management

Qualification & Competencies:

    * Degree in Computer Science, engineering or related field is required
    * MBA will be advantage
    * ITIL Managers Version 2 and V3 foundation certification

Work Experience:
    * Minimum of 10 years working experience in IT. At least 5 years in managerial role in a blue chip company
    * At least 4 years experience in IT service management using the ITIL standard
    * At least 3 years working experience in a Telecoms company
    * Interpersonal skills
    * Good working knowledge of :
    * Balance Scorecard
    * OpenView/I2MP or similar tool

Key Departmental Responsibilties:
      Customer Advocacy
      Operational demand management
      Service/Operational level management
      Service Catalogue Management
      IT Service Quality
      Service Improvement programmes
      IT performance reporting (SLAs/KPIs)

Note: you will be required to attach the following:
Apply Online Here          Search for high paid jobs here

Zain Careers | Vacancy Details - Team Lead : Performance & Demand Management
Zain (formerly MTC) is the pioneer of mobile telecommunications in the Middle East and now a major player on the African continent. We began life in 1983 in Kuwait as the region's first mobile operator. Today, we are a leading mobile and data services operator with a commercial presence in 23 Middle Eastern and African countries.

Basic Purpose:
      Management of IT services    

      Business Unit:     Zain Nigeria     
      Division:     Information Technology
      Location:     Nigeria - Lagos     
      Closing Date:     23-May-2010

Main Duties & Responsibilities:
      -Assurance of functional quality of solutions in accordance to requirements and expectations
      -Overall reporting regarding service quality and performance improvement
      -Definition of IT services and service levels offered / provided to the organization
      -Management of the service catalogue
      -Monitoring and management of service levels with regard to capacity, quality, availability and resources
      -Customer Advocacy
      -Demand/Capacity Management

Qualification & Competencies:

    * Degree in Computer Science, engineering or related field is required
    * MBA will be advantage
    * ITIL Managers Version 2 and V3 foundation certification

Work Experience:
    * Minimum of 10 years working experience in IT. At least 5 years in managerial role in a blue chip company
    * At least 4 years experience in IT service management using the ITIL standard
    * At least 3 years working experience in a Telecoms company
    * Interpersonal skills
    * Good working knowledge of :
    * Balance Scorecard
    * OpenView/I2MP or similar tool

Key Departmental Responsibilties:
      Customer Advocacy
      Operational demand management
      Service/Operational level management
      Service Catalogue Management
      IT Service Quality
      Service Improvement programmes
      IT performance reporting (SLAs/KPIs)

Note: you will be required to attach the following:
          Search for high paid jobs here

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hewlett Packard (HP) Recruitment : Account Manager – Nigeria-411427

 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 6c/O3sH7AyEek7x/TQL7Z7pJ3VcuS4qTIY6MgB1r6ylnOeJ8n/ADTT01skZtF3TcHJD8l1J4KdI4E8zw4k86j7NZNk0bp2Ku+XGNDffR843HVd+re8YSOJwABy8Ve9WbcLbFZcY0ywuZIIwJDyChpHl3T3yvZVEvbZqxqxaZNhhuD59PRuKSk8W2ftE9W99UdvVVcicmpd1uUy7Tnp1xkLkSnlbzjizxJ/geQcBUOoCrNbDfAuH+BfvFVWWrPbEmVtaMhBxJSejJ4+MFaiPYaBiEZFLq+7IdOXOa5KaiqjKcUVLSy4UpyeeByHZimNRQKb6EbH/f8AXn4UfQjZP7/rz8KbNFAqWdilkadQ4A6ShQICniRw6x1VuL/swtF8mJnTUvOSglKSrp1AYTyAHIf+mu+ooF/f9ltnvim35nTKkobDYUh4pSEjPAJ5DiT6a0/0IWLrk+v/AMU2KKBT/QhY+uR6+j6ELH1yfX02KKBVR9itiadSsoccwc7rjxIPnximNaba3bIqWWcYAAwOFT6KAooooCiiigKKKKAooooCiiigKKKKD//Z
Hewlett Packard (HP) is a technology company that operates in more than 170 countries around the world. We explore how technology and services can help people and companies address their problems and challenges, and realize their possibilities, aspirations and dreams.
Hewlett Packard (HP) is one of the largest information communication technology solutions provider in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and worldwide. HP is recruiting for Account Manager (Public Sector) – Nigeria-411427

Job Description
An Account Manager serves as the business sales lead for an HP enterprise account or
other large accounts and may act as the account lead for a substantial area of a Corporate
Account (A Corporate Account represents HP's largest and most valued customers).

Key responsibilities include but aren't limited to:
• Serves as the overall dedicated Account Manager for a defined account or segment of a corporate account.
• Aggressive sales leadership, representing the Enterprise Business full portfolio to drive account growth and share of wallet.
• Understands the Clients critical business priorities and supporting IT challenges; Focuses on driving value for the client while maximizing competitive share, revenue and margin for HP.
• Supported by presales, product/service specialists and inside sales support, establishes a professional working relationship (up to the executive level) with the client, by developing a core understanding of the unique business needs of the client within their industry.
• Tailors HP strategy and solutions to meet the needs of the customer.
• Interfaces with both internal and external/industry experts to anticipate customer needs and facilitates solutions development.
• Identifies, qualifies, and closes new business that results in substantial incremental revenue and margins to HP.
• Demonstrates breadth and depth of knowledge in aligning HP capabilities to client business and IT priorities, and positioning relative to competitors.
• Builds, monitors and manages sales pipelines to ensure continuous population, forecast accuracy, achievement of quota, and movement of near- and long-term opportunities
• Develops comprehensive plans that articulate the strategies/ requirements essential for focusing sales activities, forecasting accurately, and communicating sales progress
• Coordinates different BUs and drives pricing decisions for portfolio solutions

Education and Experience Required:
• Bachelor's Degree, Master of Business Administration (MBA) desired
• At least 8 years or more of corporate account management experience managing a quota in excess of x million $
• Industry expertise in one or more vertical solutions
• Experience leveraging internal sales and external channel partners & alliances to provide a total solution to the customer
• Account business planning
• Track record of building and deploying successful sales strategy
• Experience working with sales tools including Siebel
• Proven ability to build strong sales pipeline and accurately forecast business
• Strong and consistent track record of account management and sales performance
• P&L and risk management skills and experience required
• Proven sales and team leadership experience
• Prior experience managing complex sales processes including multi-country, multi-solution deals

Knowledge and Skills Required:
• Proven ability to align the client's business needs with technology solutions.
• Highly developed business development and negotiation skills.
• Experience providing technology solutions which solve client's key business challenges & position himself/herself as a trusted advisor with the client
• Account sales strategy and execution including usage of sales tools (Siebel, Target Account Selling (TAS,).
• Proven ability to provide timely and accurate forecasts and continually coaches team to do same
• Account/Team Leadership
• Proven experience building a business-case approach in crafting client proposals and in HP-internal requests for resource and/or investments.
• Expertise in managing end-to-end sales processes involving complex, multi country, multi-business unit deals. Industry
• Keeps abreast of industry trends as relates to opportunities to create added value for the client.
• Knowledge of industry and client's security, risk and compliance issues.
• Strong presentation as well as verbal & written communication skills.

Application Deadline: Once Position is taken
NB: Register before you apply
Click here to apply           Search for high paid jobs here

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Management Sciences for Health Recruits : Senior Program Officer
Management Sciences for Health (MSH) is a nonprofit international health organization composed of more than 2,000 people from 73 nations.Our mission is to save lives and improve the health of the world's poorest and most vulnerable people by closing the gap between knowledge and action in public health.

Senior Program Officer
Grade:      5     
Job ID:      10-605CHS
Location:      NG     
# of Positions:      1
Center/Office:      CHS - HSD     
Posted Date:      2010-05-05
Project/Program:      Nigeria/CUBS     
Application Due Date:      2010-05-31

Overall Responsibilities
The position will provide technical Assistance aimed at improving the lives of children and families affected by HIV/AIDS in project state. The goal of this project is to deliver care and support activities to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) as well as palliative care. Program intervention includes care and support for children affected by HIV/AIDS, pediatric home-base care, gender, stigma and discrimination and program related data collection and analysis.

Specific Responsibilities
The Senior Program Officer (SPO) will assist the Project's Chief of Party (COP) in providing overall coordination of interventions for the Project in the state. The senior Program officer manages all activities within the state and ensures coordination and collaboration with state agencies and Commissioners as well as other implementing partners operating within the state. S/he ensures integration of project activities into a single strategic approach at the State, local government, and community levels. S/he assists the COP in providing oversight and technical direction to the state team and collaborates with the Technical Advisor for OVC and M&E to ensure the appropriateness and quality of interventions. S/he is responsible for coordinating all project activities in the states under MSH's jurisdiction. S/he will be the driving force in grantee capacity building and grants management, and will work closely with the technical advisors to address capacity gaps within the grantees. He will support the M&E specialist with ensuring data about all project activities are collected and submitted to the head office. S/he is responsible for ensuring that NGOs in the state are mobilized to provide quality services to OVC through adherence to national standards and other approved tools of the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development. Along with the COP, s/he serves as a technical liaison between the State offices, and other donors and stakeholders operating in states within the zone.

Post graduate degree in public health, public administration or management, or a combination of equivalent relevant experience and education. Minimum of 5 years of experience in managing RH/FP, MCH, or integrated health projects required. Demonstrated competence in assessing priorities, managing activities in a time-sensitive environment, meeting deadlines and paying attention to detail and quality.

Background Information
Management Sciences for Health (MSH) headquartered in Cambridge, MA, is a nonprofit international health organization dedicated to saving lives and improving the health of the world's poorest and most vulnerable people by closing the gap between knowledge and action in public health. Since 1971, MSH has worked with its worldwide partners to improve the management of and access to health services such as primary health care, child survival, maternal and child health, family planning, and reproductive health.

To apply for this position, please see the instructions below. In you cannot apply online, please send your cover letter and CV, indicating the position of interest,

Apply for this job
Please have your resume and cover letter available
Apply Online Here          Search for high paid jobs here

Friday, May 14, 2010

Ritzy Technologies Recruits : Marketing Executives and Branding Coordinator
Ritzy Technologies ® is a global IT service provider dedicated to revolutionizing the way people do business and stay connected on their mobile device. Our team is passionate about our mobile community and believes in the game-changing potential of the mobile web

We believe that our people are our best assets and with them, we can make a difference in our society. We are on the lookout for bright, energetic individuals with a global vision. People who are ready to roll up their sleeves and are not afraid to think outside the box

Address: 27 Danube St Maitama Abuja

Job Title: Marketing Executives & Branding Coordinator

Location: Kaduna, Abuja

Job Description:
We are on the lookout for bright, energetic individuals with a global vision. People who are ready to roll up their sleeves and are not afraid to think outside the box. The Company requires the services of exceptional and highly
motivated individuals as:Marketing Executives & Branding Coordinator in our Kaduna Office and Abuja Office

Application Deadline: 19th May 2010

Method of Application
Send your CV to indicating your prefered city of job i.e (Kaduna or Abuja as the Subject headline.
Only shortlisted Candidate will be invited for the interview.
Search for high paid jobs here

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

GlaxoSmithKline Recruitment : Management Trainee 2010
GlaxoSmithKline have a challenging and inspiring mission to improve the quality of human life by enabling people to do more,feel better and live longer. With a firm foundation in science, we discover, develop, manufacture and distribute prescription medicines,vaccines and consumer healthcare products.

In pursuance of our growth objectives, opportunity now exists for bright, self-starting and talented young individuals to join our company as:

Management Trainees
The ideal candidate must:
• Possess very good first degree – a minimum of Second Class Lower in Sciences, Social Sciences, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering from a reputable University. .
• Have and display a high level of integrity, transparency and respect for people.
• Be able to think innovatively, be a good team player, seek continuous improvement and be customer driven.
• Have 0-2 years working experience (including NYSC experience) Not be more than 27 years old by 30th April 2010

Other reguirements include:
• Numerate & analytical skills
• Communication & presentation skills
• Relationship/ Inter -personal skills
• A good workiowledle of Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint & Word
• Post-graduate degree from reputable Unversity will be an added advantage

Our people remain the key driving force behind our success. Therefore, GlaxoSmithKline assures a great working experience in a stimulating and challenging environment

Interested candidates should forward up-to-date resumes in Microsoft Word format (* .doc) or (*.docx) to indicating the role as the subject matter. Only electronic applications in the prescribed format will be considered.

Applications closes 25th May 2010

have a challenging and inspiring mission: to improve the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer
Search for high paid jobs here

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Nigerian Army Direct Short Service Recruitment 2010

 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 FE+UeXDfgwI8G1ORENv7yW9lJHVgddLwabCspbSnB3YFWFcNTDYxma+kWrvV8xTynonfwrh41KlRRfnhNy0N0Wgdg+01Kmhui0DsH2mpQ+46rbmBq/VbczOOUvpS92Ee6KVa2DUGiY18nqmuS3G1KAGyEZ4DHj81DhyYQz/ALg76v8AvW1b6jb06KqTyHxN201O3p0FVjymYHhQq+ICGUvoylwHcoHBrZDyXw/tF71Y+dV5fJNClN82u6PpA37mgfjVqjq9qrg+L8GfF/qFvcUGQczMgg6susJxKudRI2eHdCdvd6eP86dYPKBMusRMWSxAbQOKUrW2Ff8AgBo73k7b9sSfUj+qvbHI1BjuBxi9ykLHBQYT86mralplTnz2MKqHB4ygrU05ElTcKJAbfQnG1zi/BSOOTsdfXSnN5Rbuh51EZqE0rJSp1DRWpW/yid/8K0eVyXma2USdRzFp6xzCRn04NDzyK21OP83k+oH9VR09Q01eLH8GdYN7TM2LpOvs9T10lOvqSMpClHCfQOFE60GFyQ2+GvaRdZCtoY3tAfGr3ewh/aLvqx865W1a0ZvSeG0R6Ve0Lah4X55mYVK1DvYQ/tF31Y+dc72EMb/yg76v+9RDU7b5/E0v3e1+T9ow6Hz9FoGPIPtNSr9ntgtduZhNvKWloYCiMZ31KOVa9JqjH6wxUYM5Ye8//9k=
The Nigerian Army has commenced the online recruitment into the Forces for this year. The process has been made as easy as possible to enable a wide range of people to apply easily.All You need to do is get a scratch card from the bank which contains your PIN code. You can also use your ATM card to apply.

DSSC Requirements
1. Applications are invited from suitably qualified Nigerians for commission into the Nigerian Army (NA) as Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC) officers for the following NA specialties
a. Medical Corps.

(1) Medical Specialists: Applicants must possess MBBS degree or its equivalent and Post Graduate/Special qualifications. Preference will be given to Obstetricians and Gynecologists, ENT Surgeons, Radiologist, Pediatricians, General Surgeons, Psychiatrists and Anesthetists.

(2) Medical Doctors: Candidates must possess degree registrable with Nigerian Medical and Dental Council e.g MMS, CHB.

(3) Dental Surgeons: Candidates must possess degree registrable with Nigerian Medical and Dental Council.

(4) Pharmacists: Applicants must possess at least BSc Pharm and must be a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria.

(5) Physiotherapists: Applicants must possess BSc Physiotherapy and must be a member of the Institute of the Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy.

(6) Health Records Officers: Applicants must possess BSc Medical/Biostatistics or HND Medical Records/Biostatistics.

(7) Medical Laboratory Scientists: Applicants must possess BSc, AIMLS or its equivalent qualification, Medical Laboratory Science and must be registered with the Institute of Medical Laboratory Science and Technology of Nigeria.

(8) Medical Image Scientists: Applicants must possess BSc in Radiography and must be registered with the appropriate professional body.

(9) Public Health Technologists: Applicants must possess HND/BSc in Public Health, and be members of West African Health Examination Board (WAHEB).

(10) Clinical Psychologists: Applicants must possess MSc in Psychology and must be a registered Clinical Psychologist.

(11) Dieticians: Applicants must possess BSc Dietetics.

(12) Nursing Officers: Applicants must be registered Nurses. Applicants with BSc Nursing or other specialization will be an added advantage.

(13) Bio-Medical Engineers: Applicants must possess BSc or HND in Bio-Medical Engineering and must be registered with the appropriate professional body.

(14) Environmental Health Officers: Applicants must possess BSc or HND in Environmental Health Technology/Sciences and must be registered with the appropriate professional body.

(15) Optometrists: Applicants must possess BSc or HND in Optometry and must be registered with the appropriate professional body.

(16) Hospital Administrators: Applicants must possess BSc or HND in Hospital Administration and must be registered with the appropriate professional body.

(17) Occupational Therapists: Applicants must possess BSc or HND in Occupational Theraphy and must be registered with the appropriate professional body.
b. Directorates of Chaplain Services/Islamic Affairs: Christian applicants must be ordained Priests with BA in Theology while Muslim applicants must possess BA in Arabic and Islamic Studies. Each applicant will be required to produce testimony of excellent character by a reputable religious organization in Nigeria.
c. Education Corps: Applicants must possess BA, BSc or B.Ed degree (Arts, Sciences and Humanities) in any of the following: Mathematics, English, Geography, Home Economics, Guidance and Counseling, Chemistry, Physics, Computer, Christian Religious Knowledge and Islamic Religious Knowledge, Fine Arts, Library Science, Museology and Archival Studies, BSc or HND in Accounts and Intro Tech. Computer Literacy will be an added advantage.
d. Directorate of Legal Services: Applicants must possess LLB, BL, LLM and must have been called to the Bar. Legal experience/Court Appearance will be an added advantage.
e. Band Corps: Applicants must possess HND, BSc or equivalent in Music with L.R.A.M and A.R.C.M.
f. Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Corps: Applicants must possess HND, BSc or MSc degree in any of the following areas: Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Computer, Chemical, Aeronautical Communication, Avionics, Production Engineering, or equivalent qualifications registrable with Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN).
g. Engineers Corps: Applicants must possess HND, BSc or MSc degree in Quantity/Estate/Land Surveying, Building/Structural Engineering, Geology, Geographic Information Systems, Cartography, Urban/Regional/Town Planning and must be registered with appropriate professional bodies.
h. Supply and Transport Corps: Applicants must possess HND in catering. A good working experience will be an added advantage.
i. Directorate of Army Public Relations: Applicants must have HND, BSc or MSc degree in Mass Communication, Public Relations, Journalism, Social Science or BA/HND in Graphic Arts. Membership of the relevant professional bodies would be an added advantage.
j. Directorate of Army Physical Training: Applicants must possess HND, BSc in Physical and Health Education.

2. An applicant must fulfill the following:
a. Be a Nigerian as defined in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
b. Be between the ages of 22 to 35 years for both serving personnel and civilians.
c. Be medically and physically fit.
d. Measure not less than 1.66m (for male) and 1.63m (for female) in height.
e. Must not have been convicted by any court of Law.
f. Possess a minimum of first degree from a recognized University or HND from a recognized Polytechnic.
g. Applicants (less serving soldiers) must have completed the NYSC Scheme or provide proof of exemption as the case may be.
h. Graduates with registrable professional qualifications must be duly registered by relevant bodies recognized by Nigerian Laws at the commencement of cadet training.
i. Possess valid birth certificate endorsed by the National Population Commission, Hospital or Local Government Council of birth or valid age declaration.
j. Possess a valid certificate of state of origin.
k. Recommended by at least one recognizable referee who must attest to the applicant's character and integrity. Serving military personnel must be recommended by their commanders.

3. Direct Short Service commission will be granted for 10 years, for an initial probation period of 3 years service, renewable yearly for another period of 7 years. Direct Regular Commission may be granted on conversion after 3 years as commissioned officer.
4. All selected candidates will be required to undergo an initial military training at the Infantry Corps Centre Jaji or Nigerian Defence Academy Kaduna.
5. Officer cadets who successfully complete the military training shall be granted the rank of Lieutenant with no advantage of seniority except fully registered Medical Doctors, Architects, Lawyers and holders of doctorate degree in fields relevant to individual service who will be commissioned in the same rank but with 3 months seniority.

5. Applications close 16 May 2010.

Photo Requirements
1. Candidates must upload and submit a passport photograph with this application form. The submitted image must adhere to the following specifications. Photographs submitted must be a recent photograph, taken within the last 6 months.
Failure to comply with any of the following requirements may cause your application to be rejected
2. Image Acquisition.
a. The image file may be produced by acquiring an image with a digital camera or by digitizing a paper photograph with a scanner.
b. Digital enhancement or other alterations or retouching are not permitted.
c. The original aspect ratio of the image must be preserved. (No image stretching is allowed.)
3. Compositional Specifications.
a. Content.
(1) The image must contain the full face, neck, and shoulders of the applicant in frontal view with a neutral, non-smiling expression and with eyes open and directed at the camera.
(2) The image must not contain any parts of the body below the applicant's shoulders.
(3) The image must not include other objects or additional people.
(4) Applicant must be vertically oriented in the image.
(5) The image must be from a recent (within 6 months) photo of the applicant.
b. Size.
(1) The image size should be 200 pixels x 200 pixels (4cm x 4cm) and not more than 25 kilobyte..
4. Photo Validation . Before beginning the application process, you should verify that your picture complies with all requirements.

1. Ensure that you have a digital and clear passport photograph.
2. There are three (3) types of payment (BranchCollect Pin, Virtual PIN and ATM card). After you make your payment, you will login with your choice of username and password. This login enables you to enter your application and upload necessary documents. Note that your username and password are case sensitive.
3. Fill all the fields provided in the application form and upload a passport photograph. Click the submit button. Your input data would be displayed. Cross check to ensure there is no mistake in the information you have provided. Click the "Modify" button at the bottom of the page if there is need for correction otherwise click "Next" button to upload your documents.
4. The next page displays the processed form with all the submitted information. You may print this page before proceeding to the next page (Declaration Page).
5. The Declaration Page contains the applicant's declaration and certification by parent to be signed in a Court of Law, another one to be signed by LG Chairman . You must print this page .
( E-Tranzact)
- Obtain a PIN Code from any branch of Oceanic bank in Nigeria after the payment of N2,000 Application Fee to the cashier.
- Login to
- Select Direct Short Service Commission(SSC) Application link on Top of this page.
- Click on the Register and Make Payment link
- Select Virtual PIN Mode.
- Enter your username, password, Confirmation Order Number and submit.

- Login to
- Select Direct Short Service Commission(SSC).
- Click on the Register and Make Payment link
- Select Interswitch Payment Gateway or eTranzact Payment Gateway.
- Enter your username, password and submit.
- This will bring you to the Interswitch/eTranzact Gateway page where you type your ATM card parameters
- After successful payment of N2,000, login and begin to fill the forms and upload your passports and documents.

For further information:
Please call the following support lines: 01-7339334,07026936166,07092426991 ,07037729780, 07061869927, 09-3140117 or 09-8734009.
For more information on the Nigerian Army, visit
Army Headquarters
Department of Military Secretary
Mambilla Barracks
Asokoro Abuja

Search for high paid jobs here

Career at MTN : Customer and Competitor Knowledge Analyst
MTN offers numerous opportunities to professionals of all nationalities. On our site you will find vacancies for positions being offered. Recruitment process will generally take place in the country where the position is located

Department:Marketing and Strategy
Location: Lagos

Job Description:
- Interface with financial analysts and business units to understand their data requirements and reporting needs
- Liaise with product management managers to understand the data needed to support and monitor product performance
- Develop report specifications to obtain data as required from various data sources for various reports
- Develop and utilize data collection instruments and methods for the evaluation and quality control of research or operational data
- Collect, analyze, interpret, and summarize data in preparation for generation of statistical and analytical reports and provide intelligence that supports decision-making
- Maintain computerized collection and track relevant data and appropriate records of research methods and results
- Utilize specified statistical software to analyze and interpret research data, as appropriate to the individual position
- Perform miscellaneous job-related duties as assigned

Job Conditions:
Normal MTNN working conditions. Extended working hours may be required

Required Skills:
- Four years experience including a working knowledge of data analysis, problem solving and reporting
- Experience in the telecommunications industry is desirable

Employment Status : Permanent

B.Sc in Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering or any of the other numerate Sciences

This vacancy expires on 24th May 2010
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